Golden Seed Oil is a commodity trading company that focuses on the Oil Palm value chain. They supply large scale producers of Palm Oil. They also develop and export carbonized charcoal from the palm kernel shells.
What the brand wanted to achieve A simple brand Identity.
“The charcoal business is consumer-facing hence must be easy on the eyes. It will retail in foreign stores like Tesco. The other parts of the business are local and will interact with local stakeholders.”
What the brand wanted to express to the target audience.
“Golden Seed is a trusted supplier, doing whatever it takes to meet your production cycles. For charcoal, our briquettes are light and burn longer.”
What I did
Conducted interviews with key members of the team and documented a branding requirements brief with insights about the company’s mission, values and personality.
With that information in hand, I got to work coming up with logo ideas. Once a logo design was decided on, I then developed a brand book with detailed brand elements, an identity system and brand identity applications as well as messaging guidelines.
Process Stakeholder Identification User Interviews & Surveys Brand Industry Research Ideation Design