Hello, I lead the end to end design and development of products that have real impact.
I’m a Product Manager and UI-UX Designer currently working across 8 countries in Africa serving 30 million Customers. I have over 10 years of experience as a Human Centered Designer operating globally focusing my skills to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges such as poverty and climate change
30 Million
USERS I’m currently serving.
8 Countries
Currently operating in.
Selected Products Case Studies
Bamba Soko App
As the lead product designer I was responsible for designing the App targeting the Middle-Class offering convenient and seamless shopping experience, furthermore they earn ponts while shopping
Equity Bank Goal Savings Account – APP
Enabling users open a goal savings account to earn more interest on their spare money and save towards financial goals.
Due to sensitivity of the research and the regulations by the bank, some files are not available for the public, but I can send the files upon request.
Equity Bank Back office software
This is a process that enables branch staff to open a minor account at the branch level.
Due to sensitivity of the research and the regulations by the bank , some of the files are not available for the public, but the files can be sent upon request.
AI Powered Digital Marketing
This websites enables users to engage in artificial intelligence so as to improve on there SEO online rankings.
The Digishop App
Revolutionizing Rural Africa farming by connecting farmers to quality inputs, fertilizers, quality consulting information and market linkages.
End Poverty By Giving -App
Tackling the world’s most pressing challenge of poverty through an App that facilitates giving and donations.
Employee Management Sytem
Holistic and user-friendly human resources system for HR Managers and Recruiters.